MUTO is a parasitic kaiju, first appeared in the movie Godzilla (2014).

Female/Queen MUTO (Godzilla, 2014)

       MUTO is an acronym for Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism. In the movie Godzilla, made by Legendary Pictures, we see 2 types of MUTO: Male and female (queen). However, there's more kinds of MUTO in the comics, but they've not been in a movie yet. As for the gender differences, female MUTO is a lot bigger than the male one, and the male one has wings unlike the female one. But for the record, female MUTO is the one giving orders.

       The MUTO species has a really strong exoskeleton, protecting them from really strong attacks, lasers, explosives etc. Their main weapon is their radiation and laying eggs on their victim. We can see this example in the comic Godzilla Aftershock, where a member of Godzilla, Dagon, dies in a brutal way, when MUTO Prime, a really strong species of MUTO, lays her eggs on him.

        In the movie, we witness a massive cocoon, aka the male MUTO, being held in a massive site. It had been feeding on a nuclear reactor (the site) for 15 years, until now. Since MUTO is now grown up, it finally breaks free from it's shell and destroys the site, and the researchers, causing a massive explosion. After his escape, male MUTO sets out to search for his partner, while sending her signals that he's ready to mate. But the nuclear explosion draw Godzilla's attention, causing him to also appear in the US. The male MUTO and Godzilla have a quick fight, but male MUTO laters retrieves to continue his search for his partner. But the US Army quickly starts an operation, knowing that the female MUTO can cause great destruction if its cocoon manages to hatch, while planning to kill all 3 of the kaijus.

Male MUTO (Godzilla, 2014)

      After male MUTO manages to find his partner, they choose a part of the city for their nest. The army arrives at the destination, but it's too late as the cocoon is already formed. Since the MUTOs are far away from their nest, they try to find a way to explode the cocoon. While the army is investigating the nest, Godzilla and MUTOs come across. The MUTOs team up against Godzilla and manage to seriously injure him, until Godzilla manages to kill the male MUTO with a simple tail hit. The fight goes on until the Queen MUTO realises that her nest is in danger and retrieves. But the army managed to set up the bomb and explode the nest completely. The female MUTO, full of anger, tracks the army to the shore until only one member of the army is left. Female MUTO, about to tore apart the last soldier, until Godzilla arrives. Godzilla tries to take down the MUTO with its Atomic Breath, but it's useless against MUTOs exoskeleton. But this doesn't stop Godzilla from killing the female MUTO with an Atomic Breath directly into her mouth, completely destroying its vital organs. This is probably the most brutal kill in the Monsterverse. After this, Godzilla lets a magnificent roar, leaving the city. And with that, America now knows that it has an giant ally on with them.

Godzilla's famous "Kiss of Death"

    This is the end of this post. Now you know at least something new about the parasitic Titan, MUTO!


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