King Kong

      King Kong is a massive ape monster first appeared in the movie King Kong (1933).

King Kong (1933)

    King Kong is simply a giant ape who is more immune to bullets and explosives than a normal ape. But it's still just a creature surrounded with fur. Unlike other creatures and kaijus, King Kong isn't capable of shooting lasers, creating sound waves or breathe fire. So it only depends on its physical strength. It can look a lot weaker than other kaijus like Godzilla, Destroyah or Gigan, creatures capable of shooting dangerous lasers. And it may be. In fact, King Kong rarely faced creatures like these kaijus. It mostly fought with simple monsters and dinosaurs. 

   In most of the films (even thought it was remaked by six different movie producers), we see Kong living in an isolated island, really far away from mankind, full of different kind of creatures and dinosaurs. And most of the time, a group of Americans try to capture Kong and bring it back on America. An example of this can be given with the Skull Island. In the movie "Kong: Skull Island", a group of humans travel to a different dimension, with the purpose visiting the mysterious Skull Island. Here, they face with enormous creatures alongside Kong. (And no, they couldn't bring him back because %99 of the soldiers died.)

Sker Buffalo

    Kong is our favorite ape, and Godzilla is our favorite lizard (?). So had they ever fought with each other? Well, of course they had! A lot of people were requesting a Godzilla vs. Kong movie, because everyone wanted to see who would win in that fight. And they eventually got what they wanted (Godzilla vs. Kong 2021), but this wasn't the first one. TOHO actually released a movie called King Kong vs. Godzilla in 1962. In this movie, their fight ends up in an underwater fight, which only King Kong manages to reach to surface, but it's still unknown that Godzilla survived or not. However the second Godzilla vs. Kong is a whole another thing.

King Kong against Godzilla (King Kongs vs. Godzilla, 1962)

    In the second fight, everyone was excited about who would win the fight. It seems easy, right? Godzilla blasts off Kong with an Atomic Breath, and it's game over. But as everyone expected, they end up teaming with each other. Which was the most ethical way to end the debate, because either way, it would be kind of bad.

But still, at the end of the movie, Godzilla kind of won the fight.

   This is the end of this post. Now you know at least something new about our favorite ape, King Kong!


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